
Posts Tagged ‘Gruul’s Layer’

So last night i had finished with my dailies and ground out a fair amount of aldor rep (killing demons in Shadowmoon Valley) and was heading back to Shatt to log when i saw a curious thing in trade chat: “LFM Gruul’s Lair raid.”  Now normally i would have scoffed at this since i have been in my fair share of bad PUG’s (That’s Pick Up Group for those of you just joining us… or group of people you dont know).  However the person in trade chat was someone i knew and had been guilded with and had raided with. So i thought what the heck.  This might be good for a laugh.  So i joined and immediately saw a few familiar faces including one of the officers in the guild i am in.  So slowly but surely the raid filled up and we zoned in.  So… can a PUG of 25 people do 25 man raiding content?  Well my shiney new Netherblade Breeches say yes… yes they can.  The group ranged from fresh 70’s in a few pieces of kara gear to a couple of T6 “Leet” people.  But for the most part knew what they were doing and did their jobs very well.

Here’s a couple of 25 man PUG tips:

  • Dont be “that guy”
    • Dont speak on vent unless you absolutely have to
    • Dont complain about anything in raid
    • Do you job
  • Have a support system (while running this myself and the 2 other officers from my guild vented in officer’s chat about how much complaining some of the others were doing.  Like the holy pally who was whining that she was out of mana 1/3 of the way into the high king fight and dead on the second ground slam for Gruul)
  • Have Fun… (it’s a game remember)

Now i have only ever done Gruul’s layer as a healer, so doing it as a melee DPS was a bit different…First off Gruul is Fracking HUGE!  I had a tough time know which was the front and which was the back (since he’s on all fours for most of the time).  It was also weird having to change positions every little bit to avoid the slew of cave-ins.  But all and all it was a fun fight.  I really liked being able to pop cloak of shadows every time he did ground slam… it made avoiding others a lot easier than on my healer.

So the moral of the story is that yes you can PUG a 25 man instance… assuming that the group you get is decent 🙂

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