
Posts Tagged ‘Weapon Enchants’

Mongoose (or Mongeese in our case) is reguarded as the best current weapon enchant for Rogues in WoW.  Shadowpanther has rated it highest in both AEP and MAEP. So what does it do? and why is it so great? Well it gives you the buff Lightning Speed which raises your Agility by 120 and increases your haste rating by 2% for 15 seconds.  Now why this is so awesome for rogues is we can have it put on BOTH WEAPONS.  Which means when the both proc at once (and they do seem to proc quite offen) you gain 240 Agility and 4% Haste.  That means that a dual proc gives you 240 AP, 6% crit, 12% dodge, and320 armor buff… Sounds AWESOME right? so what’s the down side?  Well the mats are EXPENSIVE!

For two weapons it’s a total of

So you will want to make sure that the weapons that you are putting it on will last you a long time (Merciless Gladiator’s swords for example)  Also if you are in a large enough guild you may be able to get some or all of the mats from the guild bank (as i was).  The only other downside i can think of is that it doesn’t always proc when you want it to (eg at the very end of an encounter) but when they do proc when you need them it is truely awesome!

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