
Posts Tagged ‘Weapons’

The other day i received the following email:

Hey Numberseven,

What’s the best weapon type for rogues?


Well Stabby that’s a good question.  First off let’s take a look at the weapon choices we have as rogues.

  • Melee Weapons
    • Swords
    • Maces
    • Daggers
    • Fist Weapons
  • Ranged Weapons
    • Bows
    • Guns
    • Crossbows
    • Thrown Weapons

So which is best??? The answer is YES 🙂  Let me explain a little better.  The weapons you choose are based on two factors: Your Spec and your playstyle.

There are certain specs that require certain weapons.  A Mutilate/Assassination build for example will REQUIRE you to use daggers.  A combat spec will require you to use the weapon you have chosen as your specialty.  Subtlety Spec is nice because you can use any weapon you want and even mix and match and change on a whim.

So let’s assume that you just want to do the MAXIMUM DPS… well there are currently two specs that people rave over… one is Combat/Swords the other is Mutilate/Assassination… In the current build both to tremendous amount of damage… Mutilate through insane burst damage and a ton of crits… and Combat through is slow but steady stream of white damage.

Now… which have i chosen?  Personally i am Subtlety specd and am using swords.  Why swords?  Well they look cool and i don’t have to worry about the positioning problems that a dagger build would have (ie i can attack from in front or behind)  So why am i not combat then since it would increase my overall DPS?  Personally i find Subtlety more “fun” and that it suits my playstyle quite well.  (and Cheat Death has saved my ass more than once both in PVP and in PVE.

Well, what about ranged weapons?  Well back in “vanilla WoW” all that really mattered is “pick the one with the best stats” Things changed in TBC so that thrown weapons have a slight advantage over the other ranged weapons… That advantage is Deadly Throw.  Deadly throw is a finishing move that we have that is perfect for enemies that run away after a certain point in the fight.  It also provides a way to add some dps if we get knocked back and have to run for a second or two before we can get back in melee range.  While leveling i mainly used bows and crossbows.  But once i got the Deadly Throw ability and saw how useful it can be i became a throwing weapons believer.

So really there is no wrong answer it’s what suits you the best and will help you play to your highest potential.  I hope this helped out Stabby, thanks again for taking the time to write.  If any one else out there in “internetland” has any other questions or comments let me know.  (That’s what the contact me tab is for).

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